Thursday, September 30, 2010

recently, alot of incident happened in club4paws.
hence, boss asked 3 ppl to work~
normally 1 or 2 person is enough
but duno y lots of things happened
got ppl lost their dog
customer dogs fight over toy in pool causing customer to quarrel~
i bring dogs out to swim and they fight in the middle of the pool
one naughty dog submerge another one in the water and dun let her come out!
almost drown :(
got myself wet and saved her
and toda, the naughty one went biting a dog~~
below is the poor ah blur photo and wound
look carefully! is damn deep ok!

bad luck~~

the one in pink collar is the naughty gal!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

  • B: Sometimes our relationships seem so simple and easy.. but no matter what it just turns into a big mess. And there are days that I wanna dive into that mess. But then other days, I can't help but wonder if.. maybe we're just two people who don't work as a couple.
  • H: But you love him right?
  • B: Like you don't even know..
  • H: Then don't wait. Life's too short to play games. If you love somebody and you wanna be with them, then go get them. Deal with the mess later. You don't know what tomorrow will bring.
i am having a headache
choosing dog's food is always so tough :(

wanted to change to Innova but
"Proctor and Gamble (P&G) recently purchased Natura Pet (which makes Innova, California Natural and others). Based on P&G’s track record with pet foods (IAMS and Eukanuba) and human medications (and that they do animal testing)" P&G = bad

next, only Wellness and Taste of the wild left in my decision list.
but again, they are make from "Diamond company"!!

i wanted to switch Solid gold to other brand bcos it is made from Diamond!
Solid gold is fine with aiai but i duno if in a long run with it affect her?

now, tell me if i should change to Blue buffalo?


can i trust the above link?

Sunday, September 26, 2010

its so weird~~
been laughing at shawn's stupidness recently by askin me
"how r u?"
find it weird when best fren ask me this
and now
i have no choice but to ask eli
"how r u?"
cos i duno how to ask if u need help
seem tat when we grow up
we dun tell each other abt our life when we need "listen ears"
only when the other party asked
cos we all tink "they r busy with life, shall not disturb"

so end up
i have to ask

and i reali hope u guys r fine :)


Friday, September 24, 2010

After spendin $800 within two yrs and this is wat i got from pet lover.
haha.. not gona buy from them anymore..
wana change to pet station :))
aiai's new fren yuki :)

BEFORE : yuki's fur was messy and dirty!
this is y i dun wan get white fur dogAFTER: at least can see her eyes

think aiai is having her period :(

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i seem to be the only one bloggin~~
i am fark damn free!
is 7.42am
i am gona slp soon
goodnite :))

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

i wana change to tumblr if ...

Have you ever been in love? Horrible, isn’t it?

It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest and it opens your heart and it means someone can get inside you and mess you up.

You build up all these defenses. You build up this whole armor, for years, so nothing can hurt you, then one stupid person, no different from any other stupid person, wanders into your stupid life… You give them a piece of you. They don’t ask for it. They do something dumb one day like kiss you, or smile at you, and your life isn’t your own anymore.

Love takes hostages. It gets inside you.

It eats you out and leaves you crying in the darkness, so a simple phrase like “Maybe we should just be friends” or “How perceptive” turns into a glass splinter working its way into your heart.

It hurts.

Not just in the imagination. Not just in the mind. It’s a soul-hurt, a body-hurt, a real gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart pain.
Has there ever been a time where you felt like you just want to retreat into a shell, block everyone out and stay in a dark, dark place; where only you, your mind, heart and soul speak to each other? And then you feel like life has lost all its meaning, and there’s nobody good enough to trust?

Then you listen to one song.

And only one song..

..for an entire day.

Hoping for a thought.

Hoping for a familiar thought.

or feeling..

that will settle in and then,


either your mind, your heart, your soul, or yourself, will tell you that it’s okay.

It’s okay to get out of the shell again;

only to look at all the unfamiliarity and to crawl back into the shell again, where it’s safe..

and dangerous at the same time.
Was I born cute, vindictive little bitch
the society make me that way?

like this sentence~

while i am making mooncake, aiai will always be lying on the red thingy.
look like queen rite?
oh ya,
she doesnt like to eat mooncake
same as me...
toda, i slept til 3pm
aiai wasnt happy with me
she came to me and put her tongue into my mouth -_-
guess she's tryin to wake me up
and i reali wake up cos she was damn disgusting!
time to slp

Monday, September 20, 2010

miss playin candles with you during lantern festival
reali miss you alot

life seem to be meaningless for the dogs at club4paw
but they are brave enough to live on
they jus need some love~

gona learn from them
be brave and strong :)

mooncake making is tiring!