Sunday, November 28, 2010

A wriggly puppy offers us not only boundless love and cuddles, they give us a sense of purpose and fulfillment, too. But did you know owning a pet can also boost your immunity, lower your blood pressure, and reduce anxiety and depression, all in one fuzzy package?

Puppies don't stay little for long! Be sure you're there for it all and make every day count for you and your little one with plenty of love, appropriate discipline, and play!

Most pet owners don't need reminding. Animals make people feel good. But we're talking about more than feeling glad they're around. Your favorite animal can make you healthy and help you stay that way. You may be surprised at just how many ways a pet can improve your health.

It only takes 15 to 30 minutes with a dog or cat or watching fish swim to feel less anxious and less stressed. Your body actually goes through physical changes in that length of time that make a difference in your mood. The level of cortisol, a hormone associated with stress, is lowered. And the production of serotonin, an important chemical associated with well-being, is increased. Reducing stress saves your body a lot of wear and tear

Research has shown the long-term benefits of owning a cat include protection for your heart. Over the 20 years of one study, people who never owned a cat were 40% more likely to die of a heart attack than those who had. Another study showed that dog owners had a significantly better survival rate one year after a heart attack. Overall, pet owners have a lower risk of dying from any cardiac disease, including heart failure.

Therapists have been known to prescribe a pet as a way of dealing with and recovering from depression. No one loves you more unconditionally than your pet. And a pet will listen to you talk for as long as you want to talk. Petting a cat or dog has a calming effect. And taking care of a pet -- walking with it, grooming it, playing with it -- takes you out of yourself and helps you feel better about the way you spend your time.

People who own dogs tend to be more physically active and less obese than people who don't. Taking your dog for a daily 30-minute walk will keep you moving and ensure that you meet the minimum recommendations for healthy physical activity. Two 15-minute walks, one in the morning and one in the evening, will do the same thing.

Researchers have noted that when children grow up in a home with a dog or cat they are less likely to develop allergies. The same is true for kids who live on a farm with large animals. In addition, higher levels of certain immune system chemicals indicate a stronger immune system activation, which will help keep them healthy as they get older.

People with rheumatoid arthritis derive benefit from movements like walking and throwing a Frisbee with their pet. And pets provide a distraction that can help take your thoughts off of your own condition. But perhaps the best help comes from those dogs or cats that seem to be super sensitive to people who aren’t feeling well. Sometimes just their presence can provide a relieving comfort.

A "seizure dog" is one that has been specially trained to live and work with people who have epilepsy. Some are trained to bark and alert the parents when a child is having a seizure outside or in another room. Some lie next to a person having a seizure to prevent injury (as seen in this demonstration). And some work has been done training dogs to warn before a seizure occurs. This gives the person time to lie down or move away from a dangerous place such as a hot stove.


Saturday, November 27, 2010

Sharon's birthday!!

aiai always accompany to do my " revision" =)

i wont let aiai grow til this size!
tho its cute!

In love with him
he's a sweet boy =)

ever have a chance to lie on a polar bear?

i went
for my

fark my parking skill
already hit 2k le
i am such a rich bitch
seriously hate it

i wanted to buy an oven so much for baking
now i am fark broke again

dad asked me" wats in ur brian?"
bf said " i know u sure fail, u are jus too stupid"

i wana win 4D !!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

no mood to study
very tired
seem like alot ppl treat dogs as toy
not fun le den throw away =(
hope ur mum throw u away too.

ok, i am going on diet
low carb =)
No potato, No noodle, No rice, No bread
well, low la. not reali no.
gona eat chicken salad from school =)
which is yummy!

sch is reali jus sch
full of projecst n tests
and seriously i tink NYP management reali suck.
well, lousy sch.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

i am very upset
ppl been passing the pup ard
reason being : family dun allow, pup bites, make noise, need attention.
fark up reason
should have ask family before takin rite?
i guess they r old enough to make decision huh?
when i was 18, i got aiai
mum been sayin "i will throw aiai away once u not in"
she doesnt allow the dog in the hs too!
aiai spoil so many of our expensive stuff such as,
hp charger x 5 each cost abt 20 dollar plus..
specs x 3 each cost abt few hundred plus.
my sch notes, pens, etc
and love to mess our rubbish bin!
love barking at ppl tat walk pass the hs.
barking non stop in the middle of nites.
urine and poo on my mum's bed!
becos my mum wan to throw her away!
and aiai seriously know it.
so she only pee n poo on mum's bed.
she was kinda naughty when she was young.
and she BITES!

mean i have to give her away?
if ppl reali love their dog
dun use mouth to say i cant bear to give away but stil have to give away bcos of
blah blah blah!
PROVE to ur family member tat the dog will change to good.
the dog will behave aft they grown up.
Y cant give them more time?


If no, den u shouldnt farkin dump ur baby dog.


Sunday, November 14, 2010

i hope my dad can smoke lesser and give me more pocket money
i hope my mum can eat less unhealthy food and gamble lesser
i hope my sis can quit smoking and be more sensible
i hope my younger sis can be more hardworking and less lazy
i hope my ah gong can stop disturbing aiai and stop peeping at us
i hope aiai can be more sociable with dogs and get more active
i hope all my hopes to come true

i am talkin to shawn while posting this..
he asked " how are you"?
fine of cos..
we both have the same feelin ba..
not sad but jus not happy with life.
rite dude?
we can make it de!!

Friday, November 12, 2010

spend half hr cookin for aiai!
healthy meal!!
and she love it!
beef, carrot, pumpkin!!
its better to add some pumpkin in
as beef is not easy to digest =)


healthy gal!

projects on the way~~~
testssss is here =(

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

have u ever try to wake up in the middle of the nite to look aft a "sick baby"?
i tink for
Vic, she will say YES.
seriously, its farkin tired to keep an eye on the 'sick baby'.
last nite, 1.45am..
aiai woke up and vomited a few times
and she look like there's something in her throat
that cause her not able to swallow water nor food..
its reali heart aching.
wanted to bring her to the animal recovering hospital
but mummy said, she's ok.. jus vomited too much
thats y cannot swallow.........
so... we spend an hour sitting on the floor looking at her poor little face...
so was kind of alrite...
but.... seem like thers smth in her throat =(
so i spend the whole nite lookin at her on the bed...
check her breathing for every 15 mins til the morning....
8am onwards, i called the vet..
no one ans...
call til 9.45am
they finally ans..
and tel me
morning slot is fully book......
so i booked the noon slot.
and i went sch for sgf lect...
and rushed home again..
when i reach home..
she was so active and fine!!
thanks god
mum den told me tat she ate alot =)
and drink too!
and since like, she pretty fine..
but i stil suspect that ther's something stucked somewher near her throat or mouth

anyway, she fine now =)

OK. so what cause it?
i guess its a fish bone. a tiny one!
fark my grandpa.
he gave fish's head n bone to aiai!
i told him lots of time
he will nv listen
i told him, dun feed her, dun bring her down, dun open door let her run away........
repeated weekly! and SEE
hes such a farker!

i dun hate him as much as b4.
but now, hes getting too over le.

i am seriously very stressed up!
its like, aiai is living in a dangerous place!
and i am unable to keep her safe.

everyda, i have to pray b4 i go sch or work.
pray to see her in good state when i reach home.

wat's reali good for her?

ok, i reali hope ray is fine by now.
they are such a loving couple
fall sick tgt.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

shoulder aching! =(

Friday, November 5, 2010

hope ppl will reali change aft the incident
and i wont allow myself to see them again
i promise.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

DADDY's birthday!

kan xin jiu hao =)