Thursday, December 22, 2011

i have resigned!
well, its been a long time that i wana resign as its reali too stressful le.
but i choose to stay becos i am happy working there.
now, new boss suck to hell and its horrible.
they simply dun kind abt the welfare of the dogs.
how to work like that?
n as a boss, their attuitube is too "disgusting".
maybe they treat me as a dog?
they can be so evil to a human,
how can they be any nice to a dog?
dun bear to leave but i have to.
they are monsters and will kill me soon.

jus hope that they get someone good to handle the place.
hope that they dun anyhow feed the dogs like what they do to their dog.
i am sad yet happy.
sad to leave and happy that i finally leave.

gona complete my M9 by Jan den try out for months and die die get the 15k den leave the company. hahhaaha

den maybe use the money study or do business?

JAN will be my rotting month!! woohoo~