Thursday, April 30, 2009

teach tuition again?

ok. i have been askin myself whether to teach back pri sch kids anot. is kinda stressful job for mi. but the cost of it is high. hmm.. should i? i have quit teaching for some time le..
in fact, i dun like is reali a tough job.. always had to pray hard tat they will score good results back. hmmm... now tat i have a new job le..should i work for both?
$10 per hr / sit and talk alot... $5 per hr / stand whole day..
so which one is better?
$money money money$

in mood to do alot of thingy

fed aiai with kangaroo meat toda..?? (vic gave mi de) haha.tml will be bringin aiai to grooming so near to my hs..woohoo.. it will cost mi $40..not ve cheap lover only charge $50.
goin to cut aiai bota..haha..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


i didnt realise chi ying took tis foto until she showed mi...haha..
do i look serious?

toda went to sch jus for pract. i tink for tis sem i'll be doin pract more den any other..haha..went to sch for less den 2 hrs in the morning..hmmm..$2.30 not much to see $2.30..but how abt $2.30 x 20? alot huh? can buy a new cloth per month le..wahaha..

i realised tat i got alot of work to do..haha..
1. marketing tut 2
2. human D report
3. ABC report
4. cell tech report
5. MBT report
6. IM report alot for mi.. i only did some part for some report. and some is stil untouch.haha..
need to jia you..hehe..but first, i tink i need to bring aiai out for a walk.. :)

Monday, April 27, 2009

grow up

i tink is time for mi to say someting huh? but tis time, i'm not gona say any. i'm reali TIRED. u all will nv know how i feel. NEVER..!
ok. i wont give any comment nor will i say any to both of u.
cos i'm no longer able to bring laugher to the 3 of u.
i'm tired. real tired. exhausting is wat i can say.
take care gals.
ok..toda is a good day for mi huh? went for an job interview at amk hub.
guess wat? i'll be start workin on next thursda :) hehe..
i didnt like it will jus make mi more tired..but is better den all sort of foolish stuff out ther waitin for mi to see n settle it off..i dun like it.
when the day come, it will not only makes mi happy but oso stress...
i duno whether am i doin the rite thing anot..but i'll jus go on. cos i reali duno wat to do den.
hmmm...hope i can handle my studies and work ya...haha..
is gona to be a tough year 2009.
*i wan to be alone, pls dun ask mi out.*

Sunday, April 26, 2009

shawn's bb celebration

ok.went to zouk on sat to celebrate shawn's bb..haha..spend abt $400 plus jus on alcohol...hmmm..not mi :) haha..anyway, i did had fun but i was tinkin too much tat day la..tinkin of ?? hmmm...alot.alot.. xue ying told mi someting n ya i'm stil tinkin of tat true? shall i jus do wat she said? i tink i had most of the fun with Rajiv ba..haha..he is mad? LOL.. guess wat.. i forgot to take foto with the bb boy!! haha..

ah wu cut his hair le..haha..more handsome huh?? wahaha..
ok. now i got someting to complain..can i?
i'm ve angry n hot accused by my mum n sis..WTF.. so wat if i'm used to it.. i'm a huamn being ok. ? and tis time i did voice out to say NO! NOT MI! so wat? my mum fark care mi and continue to scold at mi.. and? suddenly the two of them stop accusing mi and went silent..y? becos they found out tat is their wrong huh? n guess wat? they jus shut their mouth up..n fark care mi..foolish idiots! make my nite sux. thank to them.
Andy will always said tat i'm lazy n blah blah blah and will ask mi why i dun help do hs work? hmmm...i told him the reasons..and ther he tink i'm fact, did he tink abt his gf? his gf had nv do all tis till least i did help in the past..and i can tell u, my reasons is true..i'll help n do only if my mum is sick, oversea and workin..but NOT when she went gambling! haha..anyway he will slowly realised tat he got the worst one out of the 3..wahaha..becos she is the eldest one..she showed mi her world n teach mi alot...n now here i'm :) ok.. Andy pls dun take it too serious huh?? haha..and jie jie u too..
ok..tml goin for job interview at amk hub. tired..
Goodnite :)
*can i have some sugar in my life pls?*

Friday, April 24, 2009

changin of tut time toda

toda, planned not to go for morning lect cos it will have a 4 hrs break in between b4 marketing tut i slept at home...wake up at 9.30am to go toilet..and recevied vic's sms..oh no, marketing tut had brought forward to 11am.. end up i cant continue my slp..i was so sleepy.. haix.. went for marketing was NTH at all !!! DOING NTH!! agghhhh...!!! waste $2.30 bus fare for nth..haha..wat a waste trip..
packing my notes for tis week n next week :) so tidy le..haha..happy happy..
is time to do my work le..byebye.

love is great

ok. here i have to say..loving someone is great..n one might or will lose himself or herself..

tis few days, things doesn't go smoothly..i'm upset..but i reali do understand wats wrong..
although thing got cancelled last mins but the frenship wont be cancelled :)

sch is quite slack for mi tis few days..haha..went home early..woohoo..
didnt reali have time to meet up with galfrens..
n realised tat tis frenship is abit blend..should add some salt , sugar and stuff in make to more tasty like last time..maybe all had grown up n have their own personal life ya..
less joke n laugh le..hmmmmm...our frenship seem to be getting far apart..
everyone is busy with life n of cos due to studies ya.. :) JIA YOU!

i'm in need of cash! wher is my pay??!!

*need some adjustment in life*

Thursday, April 23, 2009


is clubbing a bad thingy? some extend huh??
ok. watever.


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

second day of sch

hmmm..tired is wat i can said..haha..actually nth much goin on in sch tis two days..jus feel so tired to wake up so early..LOL..

i had enjoyed my birthda with my beloved frens..we had fun ya..haha..had my 3 wishes for tis yr. in my 19 yrs of life, tis is the first time i had my wishes becos i reali need it.. :)

accidently deleted my link list!!! aghhh..
*frens r always the best* muack!

Monday, April 20, 2009


u ask mi y am i avoidin u? why? bcos i dun wana be tie. understand? u know mi well huh?
i can live without u..i can live life like tis..i wan freedom. i do miss u at times..but stil, i choose to avoid u..i jus dun wan to give u too much hope..
* i dun like to be tie by ppl*
*i go for wat i wan*
*human change with time*
i understand y u give mi tis blog.
i promised u to use tis blog.
ya. i'm using.
but tat doesnt means anyting.
lets fate bring us back yrs later.
for now,
my studies is more n most important den anyting.
tis is y i asked u to go over ther to study.
i need to be alone to get wat i wan in life.
i'm not selfish.
is for our own good.
i believe.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

20 of apr

ook.tml will be 20 of apr..
first, it will be my 19 yr old birthda.. i'm not happy or excited abt it..n i'm not reali gona to celebrate it..jus a dinner with frens will do..i'm ve broke. no $ to celebrate too..wahaha..
second, stupid sch start tml too..i hate it..makes mi so moody..i have to slp early tonite for sch tml..if not, i tink i'll be out to celebrate til midnite..haha..i tink ther wont be anyting surprising like last yr.. haha..
is a new yr n a new start to mi tml..bcos it will be finally yr 2 for mi n i'm 19..hahaa..went to sign up for yoga le..happy..haha..have to keep fit ya..have been growing fatter n will start one month later..on every wed 8.30 to 9.30pm..hehe..
got myself a new bag damn cheap..only $12.90..not nice la..i jus need it for sch..haha..n only for a good sch bag..but not for goin out to malls i guess..wahaha..
*target for tis sem result is : i dun wan any C* (one of my birthda wish if i have 3 wishes) wahaha..

Friday, April 17, 2009


my first birthda present..wahaha..

2 more days to lect hall n lab.

ok. sch start on monda. i realised tat i have a lot more to do..but time is running out!
hmmm...slack too much huh? haha..feel a bit stress..haha..anyway, gona join yoga class again tis coming may with eli. :) i love it.. haha..
have been tellin myself tis few day tat i must n will have my 10k in bank at the age of u tink i can? hehe...i did plan la..but of cos stil need some luck n a lot of hardwork. :) n at the age of 25, i wan to have my own hs. haha..

Thursday, April 16, 2009

aiai playing

my nite life at home

poor aiai waiting for food.

wahaahah..wana know how i spent my midnite time at home?? look at these photo n u will know! supper!


tis is my nite life at home! wahaha..

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


ther is a big beehive on my bedroom's window!

end up photo wasnt clear..wahaha..stupid..

do we look alike?? haha.

hmmmm...toda is a tiring day..packed my cloths and do clear up..helped mum to prepare dishes..she is cookin..once again, bcos ah yee, uncle and jie, bf are coming back to eat..haha..
i'm fine with it la..cos more ppl eat den cook lo..less ppl eat dun need so fan ma cook..tats wat my mum would always say..haha..

terrible feeling

terrible feelin i have now. cant slp. ben dan.
i promised myself i wont let anyting affect my studies n my future.
life have to go though pain before having happiness..
i believe. i'm goin to bear with all the pain n terrible feelin.
live life the way i wan it to be.
