Wednesday, April 8, 2009

10 mins for $36

ok. i'm ve angry at myself..
i should had checked properly abt my dog's vaccination date.
haix.. her vaccination is due on july not apr! omg.
took her to the vet toda for vaccinaiton n waited for 1 hr n 10 mins.
end up when i go into the room..the doctor tell mi tat aiai's vaccination is not due yet! wtf?
end up i have to give her a body check up for $36.. i'm ve angry..i'm running out of cash!
ok. at least i know tat aiai is fine n healthy. but reali lo, i dun have to waste tat $36 if i checked properly.. actually i did called n ask de..but the ppl jus said "ya, one yr old must bring down for vaccination".
he didnt tel mi tat the next vaccination is due one yr after the last vaccination tat the dog had taken. stupid..aiai last vaccination was last yr's july. but her DOB is apr 9..
SO? mean tat the ppl SHOULD tel mi rite? instead of making mi down n waste my whole day! n my MONEY! idiot.
i paid $36 for jus a sheet of paper!

oh ya, thank Andy for riding mi toda :)
thank you!
*life is full of stupid idiot thingy*

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