Tuesday, July 28, 2009

100th post! wahaha

aiyoyo.. so long ve blog le.. haha..
ok. got my common test result.. LOL
i FAILED Industrial Microbiology!! sian..
the rest stil ok la.. jus abit disappointed for my Human biology diseaes :(
got a c+ for tat.. haix.. n i got a B for lame marketin!! WTH?? how did i manage to pass n get a B!!! ??
LOL..so shock.. n end up failing IM! idiot lo.. the rest ok la..Bs lo.. hmmmm..
have to buck up on IM!! in fact all have to buck up la..haha..
got scolded by mum..dun care! n dad said " aiya, no need study le la.. always nv go sch.."
tats my dad..

haha..project done!! hehe.. HACCP sux ok!! is food sc! not bio tech lo..
anyway, is done. haha..
ok..damn tired now!! edit slide from 7pm to 11pm ok! haha..

hmmm... sis n her bf coming back tml.. haha..happy to see them..
but i prefer the peace when they not ard..wahaha.. ok nvm..
I love them still..

hmm.. exam coming le.. no more playin..
have been "slackin n playin" last two weeks.. haha.. went to farm!! n caught a rabbit! LOL..so cute la..
had enjoy myslef anyway..hehe.. backside pain :( hmmmm...ride bicycle too long le!! haha..

lazy to upload pics.. hehe..
my shoulder ache now..type so much toda..

shall stop here

GoodNite! :)

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