Saturday, August 8, 2009

wat can i do to help or save her?

ok..i'm ve upset n angry.
tis little gal who i had brought her up since young.
i love her n i wan her to be safe n good in everyting.
i used to scold n cane her when she is stil small.
i know she dislike mi and she is scare mi.
i had no choice but to teach her tis way.
is for her own good.
i gain nth.
up to now, she is still a small little gal to mi which i had to worry for her for everyting she do..
her studies and her frens.
i dun wan her to regret when she is older.
i wan her to be good.
sometimes, i duno wat i do is rite or wrong.
wat i can do is, i did tried my ve best to look after her.
since young she didnt like to study.
she is lazy n naughty.
is was hard for mi to look after her.
but i had nv give up no matter wat.
when she reached pri 4. i dun cane her anymore.
i know, i reali know. i had to give her respect at the age of 10.
so i used words to teach.. but she dun seem to be listening..
still.. i nag n nag her to study.
ok. finally she is sec 1 now.
but things dun seem to be getting better.
ok.. her studies are ok.
i was proud to know tat she did not bad for her chi n oso some math topic.
i'm reali happy. i hope everytings stay still..
in fact, i'm fine tat she hang out alot with frens..
but things change when i realise tat she wasnt ve happy with sch.
ppl findin her trouble makes mi worry.
but i stil believe tat she'll be fine n wont make trouble.
becos i'm the one tat brought her up..
i taught her wat is rite n wat is wrong.
but now.. i'm ve worry..
wat can i do?
something is ve wrong.
i duno wat should i do!
i reali duno.
FRIENDS?? how am i goin to teach her?
is she goin to repeat wat her sis had went through before?

i seriously need help.

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