Monday, September 7, 2009


hmmmm...have been slackin til now.. aiyoyo.. is not good to become limb.. wahaha
ok..i can walk better without much pain le.. but is ugly :(
i jus too lazy i tink.. haven pack my notes n everyting.. haha.. room is in a mess.. i jus cant bring myself to pack it! aghh..LAZY! aiyo.. howhow? :(
haahaa.. ok. aiai is like lying ard with mi oso.. slp n slack n eat ... cannot stand her lazyness..wahaha...
goin to start work le..hmm... dun like it..but wat to do? u feed mi? wahaha..
ok..i go watch dvd le.. oso duno wat to watch lo..sian.. haha...
sian ar!!

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