Wednesday, November 25, 2009

getting a tough job?

hmm..jus reached home not long.
meet vic for a job talk.
shall not said wat it is.
i'm gona give it a try.
i 'm tryin not to go out at nite with anyone so tat no one will said tat i'm making use of them.
so i'm goin to spent time on work rather den goin out.
so to prevent quarrel or gettin upset.
tis job reali not easy.
but if i get it, i tink can earn ba..
pray hard lo..
$$$ pls drop down from the sky. a bad feelin tat things dun work out the way i wan it be.
am upset abt it. but i dun tink i am wrong.
so.... nth i can do. but tryin my best to keep it like tis first.


i will not allow history to be repeated in my life.
it might be repeating soon.
and i 'm goin to stop it before its too late.
i should be concentrating on my studies.
ok. ya. i'm not goin out anymore.
i wan to stay home and force myself to study!
i am so so so tired of all tis.
seriously i dun need anyone to make use of.
if you tink i'm makin use of u, u bloody hell get away from mi huh?
this is a bad month huh?
my dear frens are so sad.
and ya... MI TOO.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


i knew it will be totally terrible for mi to go.
and stil i went.
i feel terrible.
Shawn was on NC and he cannot be ther for mi.
i need someone so much at tat period of time.
i went to find xuan.
and i took her dinner..( hehe thanks!)
was so lucky tat my phone rang and ther i go.
feel better to have people ard mi chatting, playin and drinkin.
ok. shawn! i'm not drunk. i'm home
house is in a peace now!!
must faster do reports le.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

stupid gal

y wana use money to keep the useless man?
he is jus living off the earnings of the woman.
bloody hell.
should give the family instead of feedin tat guy huh?
ok. ya. not my business anyway.
but is serious farkin damn stupid!
relative had been saying bad abt us again.
sayin tat we didnt give more money to AH MA.
said we r lousy n useless.
said my sis is already 24, n wat the fark is she doin?
hate being look down by them.
hate mummy givin mi pressure!
hate jie jie for throwin our face.
hate myself for being stil so useless.
i'm stil a student huh?
so wat now?
wan mi go find money again huh?

respect can?

the hs i'm living seem to be sux when extra ppl are in.
no single respect to the family members at home is pretty childish n rude!
smoke all they wan n pollute air in the hs. fine!
make loud noise all they wan n pollute the peace in the hs, fine!
now wat! take my thing without askin mi?
i'm farkin transparent or becos i'm farkin good to be bully?
or becos i wont farkin quarrel?
i wont quarrel becos i care for all!
fark off!

Saturday, November 21, 2009


i'm reali slackin la!
wat to do??!!
home is not the place to study la.
i need to go out la.
common test is comin!!
i haven start any.
n i know nth!
jus now ate supper with daddy.
i told him : pa, lun lun (cousin) got his car license and his dad buy him a car good.
papa reply: oh.. den when u get ur car license, i'll buy u a plane den..
i reply : wa liao.
papa reply : eh..those remo control plane not cheap hor!
mummy reply : ya la, u tink ve cheap ar..
i fold one for u better.
OMG! why i got such parents!! aghhh!!

Friday, November 20, 2009

sian ar

sian sian sian..
no mood do sch work la.
cannot concentrate at home..
keep on slp n slp..
eat n eat.
i need to go out study le!
who wana pei mi? :(
n yet i'm lazy to go out study!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

how come?

why am i still eating alot??
haix haix haix!!
stop eating!!
hmmm.. mood not good at times..
sch is stil so sux.
n my life sux too..
the strong ones are alway being left behind without care.
and the weak ones are alway surrounded by care.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009


i tink i'm a bit busy huh?
i'm busy mending broken pieces of the life i had before.
reali reali reali hope everything go back to normal la.
cannot even slp well at nite.
so tired tired tired!
wana keep myself so busy tat i dun have time to tink of it.
blah blah blah.

vic vic vic!

vic brust out toda!
so scary..
guess wat she scolded?
nv knew tat she will scold tat valgar lo..
anyway, the person didnt understand it at all la.
she is in her own world le.
okok.. i reali duno how to to the mole gene report la.
damn it..
wat is it all abt?
wat mutation gene is tat?
haix. headache!
go nap le..

Sunday, November 15, 2009

i ate alot!

i eat alot alot alot toda!!
i ate one big plate of mee fee at 11 am plus. den 2 plus went for a nap til 4pm. wake up and eat mee fee again!! den a normal cake follow by a cheese cake! and den some fry snack! OMG!!
i stil feel hungry now!!
i tink becos i spend too much energy and brain cells on reports ba?
i'm goin for supper now.. hmmmm.. ya.. ve fat! haix
i tink oso bcos i laugh too much last nite
stupid Le jian make mi laugh til my stomach muscle so pain.
went for power 98 event instead of zouk. actually didnt wan to go anywher de.
cos aiai look so sick. haha..but she suddenly bark in the late afternoon.
so i tink she is fine.
and ther i go all the way down to east coast nia..
it wasnt ve fun la.. but i reali laugh til cry la..haha..
so long nv reali laugh le lo..hehe..
tinkin back...
i haven do my mole gene report and bioprocess tut.
sian sian sian!
and my hp is dead!
lost all contacts! aghhh!!


Saturday, November 14, 2009

aiai look sick

haix. headache.
aiai look so tired.
she has been vomitin since last nite.
but she is better now. :)
i wonder how did she manage to vomit out "hotdog and fish cake" instead of her dry food?
ok. quite pissed off.
i'm always the one tat r involve in stupid stuff and yet others jus purely enjoy.
i'm in no mood for club nor any fun.

Friday, November 13, 2009


see! ask so much..ended up stil do it urself.
lame shit.
cannot see i'm busy huh?
u free til can nag at mi cannot do it urself ar?
damn u.
haahah.. i'm bloggin now doesnt mean i free hor. i'm waitin for CY's part.
wahahah.. i tink our part got nth much oso la.. hehe
start to get stress up le :( and common test is comin!
bioprocess..bioinfo..protein tech..marketin.. :(
they r killin mi..

damn it

i kept quite doesnt mean i'm ok with wat u gals ordering mi ok!
i jus found it childish to quarrel back.
i dun wan 2 side to get hurt.
but pls stop ordering mi like i should listen to you k.
i got my limit.
i dun wan talk back cos i stil care ok.
but pls care for mi oso can?
see, u come again!!! fark. enough!!!!
do i reali look good to bully?

Thursday, November 12, 2009

a good and a bad day.

in the morning met daddy at the bus stop.
haha.. and he gave mi $10. which brights up my day.
wanted a char siew bao for breakfast
and ended up auntie gave mi a RED BEAD bao! (hate it the most)
force myself to eat it cos of the long lect ahead :(
sad sad sad
den suddenly remember tat i got dental app.
but no cash nia..
msg shawn for help.
he is the best la.
within 1 hr transfer me money le.
ended up i nv go. no time.
the worst of the day is tat two gals bully mi :(
made mi angry til i forget to buy food eat!
i'm so hungry now!!
bad mood!!
hungry til i cant slp la!
why so many ppl love to bully mi de?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

i am stupid enough

Sunday, November 8, 2009

accept it

in life
wat we can do is only to accept it?
i'm still learning.
we had to accept the truth one day, even though it wasnt easy.
i reali do hate the men whom they made the women tears.
wat to do?
but well i stil got some hope la..
*pray hard hard*

fly away mood

haix. reali got no mood for anyting.
i'm in deep shit.
no mood to do project nor report.
wasting time jus lying ard.
i reali dun wan care le.
i jus wana be happy la.
if can, i would wan to slap him rite now!
wat is the peace that he wan and wat is the burden that he fuckin dun wan?
mths B4 already know le rite?
damn look down on adult man who let gal cry!
clear cut can? fuck off.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


hmmmmm.. to mi, any drawin will be nice as long as i know wat it is.
cos i reali cannot draw.
i reali like ppl who can draw and design lo. (creative)
anyway, finally got to see jiaqi's drawin..
pester him for a few day i tink?
kept on ask him to draw out the same eye.
ya. ur "eye" is nicer..haha.

angry at myself

just cant control myself to stay in the sch toda.
skipped lect and pract.
was reali not feelin well and ve moody.
i dun wana be like tis!
hate myself.

*to get recover, i have to get injure again.