Wednesday, November 25, 2009

getting a tough job?

hmm..jus reached home not long.
meet vic for a job talk.
shall not said wat it is.
i'm gona give it a try.
i 'm tryin not to go out at nite with anyone so tat no one will said tat i'm making use of them.
so i'm goin to spent time on work rather den goin out.
so to prevent quarrel or gettin upset.
tis job reali not easy.
but if i get it, i tink can earn ba..
pray hard lo..
$$$ pls drop down from the sky. a bad feelin tat things dun work out the way i wan it be.
am upset abt it. but i dun tink i am wrong.
so.... nth i can do. but tryin my best to keep it like tis first.

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