Wednesday, December 30, 2009

YONG SI TING need to stop slackin and do her school work!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry christmas n a happy new yr!

christmas was fun of cos.
fall sick aft tat.
haha.. feel more better now. sore throat only.
thanks for all the present :)
thinkin of who and how did i celebrate Christmas for the pass few years..
n i got this photo above.. taken during 2006!! woohoo~~
haha.. lucky nv neglect my studies during tat period..haha..
i guess it was fun huh?
2007 wasnt very good. went to pub..
n drunk. tats all! :(
2008 was with my dear gals n their bfs..
but mood was stil not good as smth bad happened. hmmm.
This year was reali enjoyable n i am happy, although someone wasnt with me.
ok.. 2010 is comin!! lots of things stil left undone rite? haha
reports n projects!! hmmm..
been slackin for 2 days le.
partly becos i am reali unwell la.
ok. tml will stay home do reports le!! JIA YOU.

oh.. have anyone ever through of wat dumbdumb is waitin for???
btw, smth good happened toda.
daddy lend mi mummy's atm card!!
cos my atm no money bcos of idiot shawn la.
when got ppl christmas eve ask money de?
stil ask for $200 somemore.
but only transfer $100 la.
end up toda no ppl transfer me $$ :(
haha.. daddy the best!
paid $30.70 for car stuff.
cos need to pay by net la.
daddy nagged for a day again.
but i dun mind!!!
ehs.. i wan to go shoppin.
tink got year end sale hor?
dun dare to go town walk. :(
scare i spent my car pract money :( will be in by next month le.
need to get another job i guess.
need two side income den can survive for 2010.
haven save money for aiai's licence and vaccination.
tis time reali die le la.
so tight.
bcos of the stupid sch.
9am to 5pm.
how to work?
oh ya, i guess jac is comin back soon!
hope she's fine.

time to slp.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


i got a new hp!
is a touch screen one which i dun reali like it la.
the main reason is i wan to change plan to unlimited sms n mms.
samsung jet good ma?
paid $48 for tat..
and daddy paid for mi! woohoo..
he's crazy huh?
been so good to mi tis month..
anyway, my parents are good to mi.. and they LOVE mi more den any one else.
jus tat normally i paid for my own expenses.
so when they paid for mi, i felt damn happy la.
went shoppin alone toda.
brought all presents in a day! woohooo~
tml can rest le!!
i dun like to buy gift la.
so ma fan.
duno wat ppl wan n like oso.
choose so long!!
so tired.
goin to sharon's hs on the 24th.
duno wher her hs is nia.
but duno whether to go out count down a not lei.
goin xuan's hs on 25th for bbq n steamboat!
brought all the stuff ytd le.
ok..dun tink i am goin to ktv on 26th le.
need to do protein tech project :(
project more impt den celebration.
ok. have to give up ktv le.

time for protein tech project le.

Monday, December 21, 2009

tired tired tired and busy

i am tired!
3 days finally passed.
hate being a promoter and stand the whole day.
Agh.. legs damn painful la..
this IT fair is a shit fair.
haaha.. no much ppl and weird stores i saw.
sellin oil, rice, pot.... china phonesss...
weird IT fair la..
so many ah ma n ah gong.
met ppl tat i tink i shoudnt met. haha
anyway, i was tinkin.......
wat kind of shit job have i not work b4?
busy week ahead.
hotmail not workin = no income!

Friday, December 18, 2009


ok. no more paper!!
hmmm...but i am a bit upset la..
finish last paper and went to work.
stand almost the whole day. humph.
damn tired n sleepy la.
wat to do?
money money money!
sometime reali wish tat i am a small little gal tat mummy n daddy will look aft mi and feed mi..
lame la.
been so tired tis week.
and i am gona to have a more busy but enjoyable week ahead!
christmas is comin!! hohoho.
hope got time to buy present nia.
goin to celebrate on the 24, 25 and 26..
hmmm.. a bit too much for mi.
sure tired nia. haha. happy can le :)
ok. tml have to wake up at 8.30am.
earlier den havin commom test lo.
sian rite? eeeeeeeeeerrr..

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

common test!

ok..bioprocess is finally over!
paper wan easy huh?
haha..but still..... i dun tink i do well.
or instead i did badly? haix..
dun say le..
for bioinfo, serious i reali dun understand wat i am studyin la..
jus blindin study lo..hahaha
bioinfo reali ve lame la.
marketing is ve borin n dry..
write n write..agh.. sian..
i feel like sleepin..
but... stil got two chapter of bioinfo to go!
anyway, i am so happy tat i saved $100 tis month!
cos daddy help mi top up ez link card jus now!!! wahahah..$30!
and he paid my hp bill for mi!! which is $70..
HAPPY!! tink he know i'm eating shit soon..
hahahaha.. ok. got abit cash for xmas!
but hor.... he naggin alot for tis $100 la..
anyway i earn $100 for a fews hrs of naggin.. not bad huh!!
ok. time for bioinfo again.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

photo taken at malaysia

the sisters
Ah ma
place wher i sleep
i'm ve lucky to be here.
and ya, i should be happy!!

damn moody

i am so so so moody!
wasnt able to study for the last few hrs.
wats wrong with me huh?
i am so tired yet i cant slp.
so many things running in my head.
you, you and stil you.
oh. my dead phone is alive.
spend time readin through the past msg.
hmmmm... things start to change..
i dun like it.
in fact, i hate it so much la.
things is not getting any better.
is getting more n more silent.
ok. i have to accept it la.
and wat can i do?
leave it better den to dig it?
i am reali ve upset with wat i am goin through now.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

i'm upset

teacher and student

is ther only stupid student or is ther only teacher tat duno how to teach ??
i dun tink i understand wat some teacher are teachin but i do understand some other..
so mean wat? is i stupid or the teacher duno how to teach?
if is i stupid den i wont understand some other teacher's teachin le ma?
i stil tink is the teacher la..
ok. toda... i wonder... i tink it is not a wasted trip to sch la..
at least i know tat ptech is open book (20mins) !!!
and.... ms ang.... i do understand abit of bioprocess la.. haha.
hmmmm... tml.. mindmap from AK! i tink i only understand his lect?
guess y am i bloggin here?
haix.. cos.... i dun feel like using my lefted over brain cells...
left only like 30% le... :(
i wan to sleep..
oh ya.. dun count down in front of me.. i dun like it k.
although i got no watch..
but i got Hp ok?
i know how to see the time de.
i only late for lect..
wont late for meeting teacher de.
ok.. time to study.. but.. i'm hungry.. ( i'm eating aiai's biscuits..seriously it is tasty.)


i wan to slack
i wan to slack
i wan to slack
i wan to rest
i wan to rest
i wan to rest
i wan to sleep
i wan to sleep
i wan to sleep
i wan to do nth
i wan to do nth
i wan to do nth
"ti gong bo pi"
everyone.. JIA YOU!

Monday, December 7, 2009


so tired! haha
ok. i nv go sch toda..
the rooster at the backyard will wake us up at 7am!
and everyone reali wake up expect mi!
the 4 small little cuties will pull off my blanket n wake mi up.
noise they make and the jumpin sound wake mi up.
i love goin to my ah ma's hs.
the laugher n smile they gave mi reali cheer mi up and make mi feel so relax.
i got them each a present.
they r so happy!
they dun bear to unwarp the present la. aiyo.
they are so lovely!
i feel so relax and enjoy myself away from the hectic side of my life.
the only stress thing was they kept askin mi why i nv bring my bf in?
ok.everyone bring their bf/gf in to let ah ma see la.
expect mi :( damn it..
haha.. so i tell them new year den bring lo.
pray hard i am able to kidnap one and bring in..haha
oh ya. living in sp is reali ve lucky.
one of my cousin(13 yrs old) works in the factory and earn RM 20 dollar per day by standin from 8am to 6pm and have to move the hands.
RM20 for 10 hrs ok!!
mean less den $10 in sp. mean 1hr she earn $1 for standin and moving hands.
so you must count urself lucky or very lucky le!!
stil got alot to say..
no time le..
need to study bioprocess le!! headache.
back to the hectic SINGAPORE!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

i need more time!

i am so busy with wat?
i duno le.
maybe bcos of common test ba
makes mi feel so stress lo..
wan to study but thing jus kept on pop out!
later goin to malaysia to visit Ah ma.
tml nite den come back le.
waste my weekends le.
i'm goin to eat shit soon.
running out of money!
one month plus nv work le.
lucky creative called to ask mi go work.
but i stil have to eat shit until pay is in.
morning went to creative for training.
and now i need to sleep.
i wish i can dun sleep. :(
ok. i'm goin to skip sch next week.
no choice le. need to stay home study!!
dun miss mi ar!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

courage pls

i need courage.
i wan to be happy.
i wan no tears.
i wan freedom
i wan love
i wan care
i wan to smile from the bottom of my heart.
i got no courage to do wat should be done.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


goin sch is a waste of time bcos i learn nothin.
i dun understand bcos i'm stupid?
or i dun bother to understand?
aghh.. i'm jus too lazy.
ok. i'm LAZY!
so much work to do i guess?
reportssss.. projectsss...
yet i'm pushin them to the two weeks break..
nono.. dun tink got enough time for all the project and lefted over reports.
i'm in deep shit.
i know nothing for comin common test.
and ther is no extra days for us to prepare i guess.
i need to start now b4 it is too late.
but yet, i stil got two report on hand which is due on tis frida n next monday.
and tml mole gen presentation!
i'm not well prepare!
stress stress..
running out of time.. :(
y am i stil bloggin here?
stupid mi.