Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Merry christmas n a happy new yr!

christmas was fun of cos.
fall sick aft tat.
haha.. feel more better now. sore throat only.
thanks for all the present :)
thinkin of who and how did i celebrate Christmas for the pass few years..
n i got this photo above.. taken during 2006!! woohoo~~
haha.. lucky nv neglect my studies during tat period..haha..
i guess it was fun huh?
2007 wasnt very good. went to pub..
n drunk. tats all! :(
2008 was with my dear gals n their bfs..
but mood was stil not good as smth bad happened. hmmm.
This year was reali enjoyable n i am happy, although someone wasnt with me.
ok.. 2010 is comin!! lots of things stil left undone rite? haha
reports n projects!! hmmm..
been slackin for 2 days le.
partly becos i am reali unwell la.
ok. tml will stay home do reports le!! JIA YOU.

oh.. have anyone ever through of wat dumbdumb is waitin for???
btw, smth good happened toda.
daddy lend mi mummy's atm card!!
cos my atm no money bcos of idiot shawn la.
when got ppl christmas eve ask money de?
stil ask for $200 somemore.
but only transfer $100 la.
end up toda no ppl transfer me $$ :(
haha.. daddy the best!
paid $30.70 for car stuff.
cos need to pay by net la.
daddy nagged for a day again.
but i dun mind!!!
ehs.. i wan to go shoppin.
tink got year end sale hor?
dun dare to go town walk. :(
scare i spent my car pract money :(
hmmm..pay will be in by next month le.
need to get another job i guess.
need two side income den can survive for 2010.
haven save money for aiai's licence and vaccination.
tis time reali die le la.
so tight.
bcos of the stupid sch.
9am to 5pm.
how to work?
oh ya, i guess jac is comin back soon!
hope she's fine.

time to slp.

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