Saturday, May 29, 2010

hey gals,
sorry if i neglected u even i know smth is wrong.
didnt pay much attention.
i got no position to say anyting la. haha
i am in deep shit.
didnt wan to say le.
tired of tellin and make u gals listen.
same old topic tat nv end??
sian. used to tell u all abt how i feel.
but now, ya quite numb le.
quite tired aft all.
:) but i wont give up yet la. haha.
for xuan, gald u fianlly wake up?
hope u can walk out of it ya.
for mei, try to endure it and speak out ok?
for eli, tink u r quite alrite la hor? beside money.. haha.
for me? i need to JIA YOU JIA YOU JIA YOU!
u gals too!!

love U, U and U!
hahaha. lying on my bed for the whole toda.
having a side headache now.
shall start writing my report tml!!
hope i can bring myself to type out.
blah blah blah!!

typing tis on the floor now. got pushin down by daddy n mummy.
both of them watchin kingkong on my bed -_-!
eatin snack......
i want to tell them i am tired and i wan to sleep.
but.... hahaha.. PS la. LOL
aiai making sound to ask for the snack my mum is eating.. haha..

i tink common test coming?? tis coming week?
all the best to vic n cy ya.
good luck and study hard!!
dun miss me too much ar :) haha


Monday, May 24, 2010

jia you everyone!! :) :) :)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

so so so sad and tired.
just reached home and couldnt bring myself to slp.
didnt wan to come back.
but aiai is waiting for me. haix.
wat can i say?
i miss u? i hate u? i love u?
i miss my life? i hate my life? i love my life?
wth? haha. damn emo.
goin for my appointment tml.
*pray hard*
bear with it. one more yr to go.

smth to say,
aiai reali understand wat i said to her!!! wtf?
or she can feel me?
simply love her so much.
thanks god she is here to walk with me.

ok, time to rest?


Sunday, May 16, 2010

ok. didnt reali wan to blog but i reali cannot take it.
i am feeling so upset.
life so tough for me now.
hate it hate it hate it.
so much things running across my brain.
WORK is stressful when i couldnt make it in the morning.
my job is easy. and my in charge is so good and kind.
i got no reason to skip work.
but i cant stop myself from the giddyness in the morning tat kills me!
i hate it. wat can i do now. i feel so bad.
next, FYP due in 3 months time.
i know nth. reali nth!
should start doin my report and poster le.
but i got nth to put.
and weekends is always not enough.
how to find time to do my FYP?
monday to thursda, 7.30pm reach home.
8pm done bathing.
9pm done with my dinner.
10pm done with my playing with aiai.
den i slp le.
so how to do my FYP on weekdays?
work is getting more busy as i learn more skill.
sometime, doin non-stop.
so tired.
i hate 6 months attachment cum FYP.
becos there is no much time to do my FYP!
ppl in sch use 3 months to do thier FYP.
wat abt those havin 6 months attachment cum FYP?!!

ok, next, my driving test is coming soon again.
but i couldnt bring myself for car pract. ( i hate driving! )
haix.i am so not good in driving but i dun wana fail again.
its so costly!

u guys must be tinkin y i wana get my car license now huh?
no money, no time, and stil got sch work to handle.
i didnt wan to take a car license.
but i need it asap.
not for driving but for wat i am waiting for.
so tired. getting a license not for driving. how stupid of me.
i hate parkin. reali hate it.
just farking let me pass!

i gona hate this year.
its damn sux!
some idiots out there extended my sadness for another year.
F them!

wat is done is done.
i gona go on and pay for my mistake.
gals, it was reali my mistake.

my life, my choice, my mistake.