Monday, May 16, 2011

My life has always felt like an unanswered question.
Am waiting for something to happen.
Been telling ppl tat once busy apr is over i 'll be free
but now, seems like i am more busy
i am confused and hoping something good happen after all the bad news
i can and will make it
frens out there, give me some more time to settle down with this
i am seriously busy and tired
pls bear with me
i know it might piss u off when i only reply "sorry"
i am tired.
bear with me for this period of time

I wan to make things out.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

life been so so so busy!
becos its too fun and happening!
love what i am doin everyday =)
tinking of 1 yr back when i was doin my attachment,
its was damn freaking SUCK!!!
i tok i will end my life in the LAB!
now that i ended up in a lovely place full of fun and smile
seriously love it
the morning greeting from all the beloved furkids
would brighten up my day!
of cos, ther's still sometime i got stressed up =(
and i will always overcome it!!
weekends should be time for me to rest
but its unfair for aiai rite?
been bringing aiai out during the weekends
and i seriously didnt have much time to slack( slp more)
i know i am fallin sick soon if i dun give myself a break
but but but

Mr Stupid, i know i have neglected u!
sorry la
i know u will understand =)
love u!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

i duno wat's wrong
did i do anything wrong?
seem likes i am losing one best fren
jus a feeling goin through me.
feel SUCK.

Sunday, May 1, 2011