Sunday, February 28, 2010

good morning!
the time now is 5.15 am in the morning of sunday.
so wat r u doin early in the morning?
stil sleepin huh?
i am very disappointed with myself. (haven start my marketing revision)
(it will be good if i wake up at tis time)
but wat to do?
ok i am goin to slp soon (i hope)
been addicted to youtube.
bloody hell
been watchin non stop for 4 hrs on monkeys, dogs, mermaids and UFO.
lame huh?
but i reali found them interestin.
if i got a chance,
i wana see the real UFO more den a mermaid.
and i wana get close to a monkey den to a dog.
haha. can i?
ok i am gona dream of them now.

Friday, February 26, 2010

bioprocess wasnt very well done.
erm.. quite badly la.
time to rest!

sleeping time!!
no mood to study at all.
bioprocess is reali so dry.
i know nth abt it..
forcing myself to read n read.
dad quarreled with mum.
they had already nv talk for two days le.
and i oso two days nv talk to them.
they oso wont ans even if i talk.
quite upset abt it.
tryin not to tink n concentrate on my notes.
lookin at their black face, i feel like scoldin them.
although mummy nv said anything but i know she's very upset.
and daddy must be very pissed off and angry.
so what can i do?
tryin hard to maintain what i can do.
both of my sis just got to know abt it.
didnt wan to let them know but....
my eldest sis found out and so i need to explain to my younger sis.
i dun like it.
i feel tired.
may god bless us.
ok. jason finally open his eyes le.
hope he is fine and recover soon.
may god bless him too.


Monday, February 22, 2010

tis is the first time tat i put my notes aside.
been slackin ard and slp most of the time. damn it.
once i finsh 3 pages of notes, i would ended up on the bed and slept for a few hrs.
so wat have i done?
only bioprocess ba?
hahaha. first dun feel so stress becos of the %.
which actually made me a litte stress cos i wasnt stress.
got it?
left one more day!

aiai been barking from ytd til toda. barks a few time within every 20 mins.
i dun tink i negected her much.
she's jus too demanding.
ok. maybe becos she got her period now.
barking for no reason.
hell man.
got scared by her a few time toda.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

i wonder how many ppl are feelin the same as me now.
no mood to do revision! and yet worried for it.
for me, i didnt to much revision until last nite.
was reali tired and wanted to slp.
thanks to shawn for pulling me out and make me study with him til 4am tis morning.
we been playing too much for the last few nites.
he regretted but i dun! cos his first paper is tml!! hahaha.
and he put the blame on me. idiot.
will be burning nite oil this few nite le.
hope aiai wont feel negected.
two more weeks and everything will be over!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

didnt make it to fiona's hs toda. been waiting for toda.
haix. my stomach gave me lots of problem tis morning due to the thailand food i ate at my aunt's hs.
its jus too spicy for my tummy la.
i was so greedy that i ate so much. it was so yummy!
haha. been running to the toilet from morning til now.
no energy for any thing le.
hope i can make it to sharon's hs tml.
thursda will be the last day for me.
i wan to study la.
hope u guys are enjoying ur new yr and revision.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

happy valentine's day!
of cos i nv celebrate. haha
spend the first few hours of valentine's day with shawn n guo wei.
always with them.
christmas, new yr, wat ever.
always with this two stupid.
as per normal, got bully.
well, i am very clear of wat i am doin la :)
no worries.

for new year, i eat til so round lo.
and money drop down from the sky again!

didnt do my revision :(
been slackin ard.
bad bad gal.

ok goin out with shawn to slack awhile.

aiai is so so so tired :(

Friday, February 12, 2010

HAPPY chi new year, valentine day and EXAM!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

tis was our last nite and maybe our last time gather tgt like tis happily.
i seriously have to say that i miss those days.
have a look at wat we r now.
look at me. why am i like tis now.
i dun wana be like tis pls.
its killing me day by day.
ok i am jus being very moody n upset.
headache, sore eye and period with bodyache
been so sick and started tinkin lots.
if only i have a choice, i wont make it a history for us but a future.
simply FML

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

so many things happened tis few days.
anyway, eli n ger found a lost dog.
poor him. and we called him fatty.
he is so fat but cute. haha
still lookin for his owner.
pray hard.
thanks victoria for keepin the dog for the nite and helped him to get a good owner.
went to vet with her, ray n fatty.
poor fatty doesnt have a microchip and poor ray must be in pain :(
hope he recover asap.
i wonder y i miss fatty tat much?
only like less den two days with him.
hmmm. he is such a good boy. :)

toda went for my appointment again. take bus til very giddy.
having headache and sore eye.
went to see doctor aft sch.
faint. need to eat two type of med :(
eye n head stil very painful tat i reali cant bring myself to study.
gosh. exam coming. need to start study le.
and i tink my period is on the way. sian.
so sick.
wat happened to me?
i am reali very tired with everyting.
tml stil need to go sch for china stuff.
waste time.
dun feel like goin tml.
i wan go slp le.

Friday, February 5, 2010

tml will be the last day for everyting.
byebye to reports n projects.
hello to exam.
well.. i tink tis comin exam no need too stress up.
percentage not tat high.
but stil must JIA YOU la.
ok. jus reached home.
went to buy new year goods with parents n sis.
was quite moody.
hmm.. been forcing myself to accompany them.
no much time left i guess.
tis is the only period that i can spend time with them.
hope tat they can depend on themselves when i am not around.
tml have to wake up early for marketing revision lect.
time to sleep.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

ok. i dun tink i am goin to let aiai go for grooming without me goin.
i dun wan ppl to transport her here n ther.
she'll be scared and she'll vomit in the car.
so scare that the ppl or other dogs will bully her.
oh watever.
i drop the idea of lettin ppl to fetch her go grooming le.
and i am thinkin again of whether should i leave her for two weeks and enjoy myself oversea.
damn it. i duno wat will happen to her or me.
i love her more n more each day.
i cant wait to rush home jus to hug her and keep her accompany.
or in another way she keep me accompany.
when i tink of goin oversea, i'll start to tink of her.
small little her.
will she be sad and afraid?
will my family help me look aft her properly?
will they change her water for her daily?
which they had nv done so.
wat should i do?
i wanted so much to go but wat abt her?
am i jus being selfish?
should i pass the interview?
or should i not pass?
two weeks is so long. :(


Monday, February 1, 2010

i dun like to wear formal!
so so so MA FAN!