Sunday, March 28, 2010

flying off to china in the morning!!
kinda excited. haha.
feel so relex without exam and work!
gona pack my stuff le.
bathed aiai and prepared her stuff for my family to look aft her.
pray hard hard nth gona happen on her. ~worry~
gona miss her :(
HEY HEY! miss me hor!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

tis few days been so busy..
duno wat the hell i am doin oso la.
anyway, tat teo c.b got into trouble le.
haha. cos i go complain. blah blah blah.
okok.. went to buy two pair of jeans aft car pract.
car pract will always stress me up la. haix.
the jeans was ok ba.
comforable and not expensive la. mummy paid for it!! woohoo~~
gona wear it for my 6 months attachment.
hmmm..wondering whether should i take bus or train to work.
hahaha. nvm. see how ba.
tml will be the last day for me to reali slack le.
i reali wan to make full use of it!!
gona rot on my bed with aiai!! haha

hmmm.. credit card bil come le.
use until cannot use le. excess the limit le.
who wana help me pay first?? :(
sian.. oso duno wat i spend on lo.
one fine day when i am in front of the counter waitin to sign, the person said:
miss ur card cannot credit anymore.
WTH! so shock.
so i try to use my net which i guess tat was stil 50 bucks in it.
ended up, same story. :(
wanted so much to hide into a hole lo. haha.
so used my last 50 dollar note.
den i start msg ppl who owe me money!

money will only be in by may ba i guess.
haha. open my red packet later. still got 3 i haven open.
put in my pillow until now.
guess got abt 50 to 80 bucks ba.

next sunda i am so goin to bring aiai to swimming!!
gona ask money from daddy le.
dun wan my face le. haha.
ez link card oso no money le.
gona be thick skin and ask my dad top up for me.
gona slack with aiai til 2 am den go slp le.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

i wanted so much to have a talk.
but wat can i say?
ya, wat is done is done.
no point for me to speak now.
i am real tired of tis.
i know i can only save myself now.
but y am i so stubborn?
jus like i am not goin to give up my TP which is coming in tis Apr.
knowing tat i wont pass
but stil bcos of my stubbornness,
i gona waste tat money for a try.
SEE! hate myself. idiot.
y cant i jus give up!!
went for my appointment toda in the aftnoon.
everthing i hope is kinda gone.
i will nv forget this man called teo c.b
jus a few words from him.
CHOP. off u go.
how unreasonable of him.
his words can cause how many ppl to suffer didnt he know?
everyone over ther is so nice but once he came, things change like hell.
he is stabbing me every one time when i go.
how i wish ther's no GREY in the world.
he loves findin trouble for ppl.
he's SICK!
bloodly hell of him.
is only like 3 months and he bloodly hell made me cried for 3 times.
y is ther such a person in tis world whom like to see ppl suffer.
i will not quit sch no matter wat.
i will not give up even if it is goin to be further away from me.
i will not let anyone down.
i will not give him another chance to chop ppl's head.
i will not fall bcos of teo c.b

*growing up*

Monday, March 8, 2010

sat went to town for a walk and kind of have my lunch with gals n bfs.
haha. spend most of the time choosin wallet for my dad.
ger was nagging n nagging. stupid.
den we cab down to timbre but it was full house la.
so we changed to Eski bar.
open a bottle. waste money hor?
haha but we reali have fun la.
the DICE! damn stupid when some of us were a little tipsy..
play like a fool. hahaha. laugh til we drop.
aft tat we spend 1 hrs walkin to "old market" to eat.
awful n expensive.
den cab home n slp at 5am!!
wake up at 2pm and brought aiai to fort canning park with ray n cookie.
hotdog event? haha
the cab uncle kind of insult vic n me when we duno the way to fort canning park.
idiot lo. he is the one that is suppose to know n not us huh?
haha. ok nvm. he didnt spoil our mood.
it was so hot at 3 plus!!
i tink within 1 hr vic n me had already spend most of our $$!!
aiai love the treat so much that she can bite my hand tgt with the treat!
we had fun of cos but reali very tired ok.
i tink i am the most tired one?
male dogs seem to be attracted by aiai.
and so i have to carry her at some time and take extra care on her.
tink the best part was the racing game?
ray will always be behind aiai and cookie didnt know wat to do!? little puppy!!
jac has to go over and bring cookie back aft all the dogs have finshed the race..
and i tink aiai is getting more bitchy? hahaha. naughty gal.
and ray is so protective? becos he didnt wan to share aiai with the others.
cookie was so guai lo. she seem to be lying ard? so cute lo.
tis puppy love to look ard and seem to be tinkin of smth!
woohoo~~ FUN!

tml back to sch!
for lab briefing?
oh watever it is.
boring one.
4 hrs of talk.! :(

nvm.. aft tat some of us are goin for badminton!!
been so long nv play le.
aft tat i'll be meeting my family n relative for dinner bcos $ drop from the sky again!


time to slp!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

simply for the 3 lame gals of my love.

smth bad happened to aiai toda.
i nearly lose her.
she accidentally hang herself in the middle of the gate's hole.
she was crying over ther when no one was home expect for my grandpa.
yes, my grandpa saved her. thanks god for not taking aiai away from me.
she's too important for me to lose.
without her i wont be standing up so strong and brave to face what i didnt wan to face.
tis two days been tinkin a lot.
knowing that i might regret wat i am doin now but i reali dun wana regret in the future for not doin so now.
at least i am trying hard to fight now.
no matter wats the out come next yr, i promise i will stay strong.
my dear gals, i wana thanks u all for the understanding n love u gals gave.
and shawn for not leaving me aft all tat foolish stuff i have did.
last but not least my parents, although they didnt know wat happened but without them i wont have a complete home.


now, i hope Eli will be fine. u are goin for the brain scan on monday.
i tell u, u gona be fine! and pls take good care of urself.
i am jus so near, a cal will do. and u know u will see me in the next ten mins :)

ok. now is xuan, cheer up and look forward! JIAYOU! will respect ur decision jus like how u respected mine.

so now u know i wana say abt u le hor? tan chew mui!
how can u said u are lonely when u know u r not at all!!
who's the lonely one huh? u know clearly ya?
enjoy the moment of "Quarreling and sadness".
is glad tat u can taste it huh?
cherish it ok?

love u gals. MUACK!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

gona end soon!!
one more paper and ther i go shoppin shoppin..
slack pub.. and disturb aiai for the whole week.
wahaha.. so excited le.
i wana slp n rot at home at least two days.
gona bring aiai out to play.
gona play paintball?
sentosa? zoo?
but when i tink of attactment, i am upset.
gona wake up at 6.30am n reach home at 7pm plus with shit pay.
half a yr. eeerrr.. but well.. haha. wat to do?
goin to china n hk soon. kinda excited la. haha