Sunday, April 24, 2011

Part of growing up

ok gona update abt my busy life =)

first of all, i am busy with work for sure!
most of the time i am physical tired?
after all, i love it.
FOR NOW my life is kind of "settle down".
tho i stil have alot to learn from my work but i am happy with wat i am doing.

my life is 80% perfect.
and yes i love my life.
it might be a lie.
but we should all be positive rite?
i might be "trying" to be happy?
but i know i am happy with life
its jus tat.... at times... i got this weird feeling of upset
and i know the reason.
you know i am trying hard to put it aside
so tat i can go on n on with a big smile.

if u can feel me, i am always not happy but i am trying.
lying to myself tat i am happy
think of all the good and blessing i have
instead of all the bad stuff.

gal, we all have a sad story to hide.
but i wan u to know
no matter wat,
we are always here for u.
You've made us worried for u.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


papa n mama been stockin up recently jus for my birthday celebration.
i reali appreciate it tho i might look "heck care".
as i am reali tired to get settle down with my job at Club4paws (the driving part is killing me)
papa reach home from work at 11 pm plus and i know he's tired
but he stil go NTUC buy packet drink, food.. blah blah... jus for my celebration.
i been telling them tat its jus a small party to gather my frens only...
but they dun seem to understand?
i know they love me.
and yes i know =D

i know they spend a few hundred on this
i promise i will give them back more den this

ok, now..
jus a small update of who is coming?
primary mates: Shawn, Elen, Donavan and Wilson
sec mates: Xuan, Chew mei, Elicia, Gerald and Jess.
poly mates: Vic, Cy, Sharon, Jac and Mjw
frens: Kelvin, Javier, Micheal
cousin: x4 plus aunites and uncles.
animals: RAY


Friday, April 15, 2011

I will take the first hit
and the last
i will take all the punishment
for my past
cuts and scares
deep within
all the bruises
for my sins
dark and deep
i can take it all
i know i deserve this
so watch me fall
go ahead
its ok to laugh
i knew it was coming
when i went down this path
come on
look me in the eyes
iv been through so much
I'm not going to cry
please people
crowd around
point and whisper
as i lay on this ground
I'm almost gone
just one more shot
then you can leave
as i lay dead in this spot
family and friends
the rumors are true
believe me i deserve this
for all the times i have lied to you
you have no clue
cause iv always been nice
well now you really know
as you see every slice

Saturday, April 9, 2011

AIAI's 3 yrs old birthday =)

bring aiai to Nex for a small celebration for her birthday =)
she enjoyed herself and she's sleeping like pig now.
and i am damn tired...
she's heavy for me to carry..
but she's so guai la =0
she love the food ther (meat) but didnt wan to eat much when she was ther..
reach home finshed everything...
she didnt wan to eat the dog ice cream =(

i was damn stressed out from work and i seriously forget abt her birthday until my sis asked me.
feel damn guilty.
i seriously hate driving
i cant change lane............

next week = hell week for me
god bless.