Saturday, April 16, 2011


papa n mama been stockin up recently jus for my birthday celebration.
i reali appreciate it tho i might look "heck care".
as i am reali tired to get settle down with my job at Club4paws (the driving part is killing me)
papa reach home from work at 11 pm plus and i know he's tired
but he stil go NTUC buy packet drink, food.. blah blah... jus for my celebration.
i been telling them tat its jus a small party to gather my frens only...
but they dun seem to understand?
i know they love me.
and yes i know =D

i know they spend a few hundred on this
i promise i will give them back more den this

ok, now..
jus a small update of who is coming?
primary mates: Shawn, Elen, Donavan and Wilson
sec mates: Xuan, Chew mei, Elicia, Gerald and Jess.
poly mates: Vic, Cy, Sharon, Jac and Mjw
frens: Kelvin, Javier, Micheal
cousin: x4 plus aunites and uncles.
animals: RAY


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