Tuesday, March 31, 2009


everyone is busy with own life..
tink it wil take some time for the four gals to meet up again.
i hope the meet up wont be only on the 20 apr 09..haha..

jus now went to meet up Elen n xiao sheng downstair.. haha.. i'm a kampoo gal ok. :)
i dun wan go club fishing..haha..
oh ya..the last time i met xian sheng was half a yr ago wor...woohoo...so fast huh? haha..
ok. lets meet every half a yr for 6 more times! n i wont be kampoo gal anymore..wahaha..
next meet up wil be on sept..hehe.. faster faster..
n i told him, the 7th time we meet will be at my weddin dinner hotal. keke.. :)

*i wish i wish i wish*

fuck up

ok. i'm angry. i dun understand y like tis. but i shall shut up.
i have no rite to talk. if something reali happen, i wont let him off.


To u.

i know u r ve fan now..i shouldnt be here posting tis. i shouldnt get into tis. BUT i wont wan to see u end up cryin in pain. i reali hope u wil be xin fu.

if tis is reali the prob u two r facing, den in the first place u two shouldnt be tgt first. n if u two wan to be tgt den u two should face the prob now..or u wil end up hurtin urself more.
age, family, sch, work??? scare to committe?? but wat if he is jus trying to drag on n on until one day someting happen? n wil tat be the end of the story?

gal, i dun wan to see anyone hurting u. be smart ok.
we love u more den he do now.

Monday, March 30, 2009

I'm waiting.

Oceans apart day after day
And I slowly go insane
I hear your voice on the line
But it doesn't stop the pain

If I see you next to never
How can we say forever

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I took for granted, all the times
That I though would last somehow
I hear the laughter, I taste the tears
But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' CrAzY

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

I wonder how we can survive
This romance
But in the end if I'm with you
I'll take the chance

Oh, can't you see it baby
You've got me goin' cRaZy

Wherever you go
Whatever you do
I will be right here waiting for you
Whatever it takes
Or how my heart breaks
I will be right here waiting for you

i love him


bad day

wake up at 12.30pm toda. reached sch at 2pm..i was on time. i wasnt late for the project meeting. end up i forgotten tat i have no cash for lunch! so i rushed to atm.. stupid atm with no cash in it! ok. nvm. rushed to library and was late for 10 mins. nvm. wanted to ask one of them lend mi some cash. after project, i totally forgot abt it. nvm. called mei mei to help mi buy food den. waited for her til 6pm. end up my lunch had turn into my dinner. nvm. suddenly, xuan tel mi she n fren not goin to zouk on apr 9 which i had waited for so long for a gathering. but nvm, cos chew mei oso cannot make it. so forget it. nvm. at tat time my mood was so bad tat i took my dog for a walk downstair. before we could step out the block, stupid rain came. WTF.
so now i'm here blogging. damn it.

read CY's blog. anyway, the post she posted reali do a great help for mi toda. i wasnt a gal like tis last time n i know y i'm like tis now..i shouldnt be like tis huh?
i'm a gal who stand tall in the face of challenges, lay low when the storm hits..always tell myself,i know i can!! unless of cos i know i can...whenever i go,i`ll always look life straight in the eyes..the point is, TAKE CHARGE! be the master of my own destiny..always utilize the power of positive tinkin..its much better to smile through life`s trivial things..

i had forgotten all tis aft things had happened. but thank to her, i promise i wont lead a life like tis anymore.

Her post :
Everyone of us have our own problems. Be it family problems, relationship problems, studies or problems related to our work. Nonetheless, always have this Strong belief in mind: You must believe in yourself, in order for things to work out right.No one in this world is born a genius. Everything requires hard work.Never look down on yourself when you have troubles. When troubles seem to bother you, you should be thinking of how to solve your problems soon enough so as to ease the pain at a faster rate.For one day that you think that you are useless, your life shortens by a day. Believe me or not, normally that's how things work. The more you think you cannot do it, the more you do not even want to try to do it.You never know your ability of doing certain things if you do not try them. There is always a first time for everything. It's only from failures that you gain something from.In other words, failure is a blessing in disguise. Or rather, you never discover something great if you don't go through any pain or troubles in life. Learn to share your woes too. You will feel a lot better after pouring all your sorrows and troubles out. It is just like vomiting. You will definitely feel much better after it. `Be strong, and let your heart take courage.


Sunday, March 29, 2009


i'm so boring yet lazy to go out...

*hope time pass so fast so fast so fast that i cant catch up with it*

miss the past

*last photo*


*Stupid n DumbDumb*

*our aiai*

*first day*
*his BB present*

*my BB*


*our moment*



went to collect my stuff aft work n had dinner over ther..
my heart melt again. i'm oso ve serious in it. but y?
i jus wan to live peacefully. i dun wan any more tears.

*i'm serious*

Saturday, March 28, 2009

busy day?

so tired! toda stand n sit for 2.5 hrs at ah ma's funeral. hmmm.. legs pain sio..
borrow a books from the library toda..haha.." Do dogs have belly buttons?". nice book..stil readin it..
ok. ther's smth for mi out ther :) goin to collect it maybe tml or sunda..
eli n xuan jus went back..have a fast meet at my hs..eli brought us cute slipper from genting :)
THANK! love u.
went for a movie with 3 guys during work..is the same as i'm watchin alone..cos the one who sit beside mi fall aslp..its so interesting n yet he fall aslp? or bcos he dun understand the movie? keke..a race to the witch mountain. not bad :)
i'm reali tired. off to bed. goodnite.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


ok. i know is jus one step to the bright side. i'm foolish not to step out.
but ther r so much so much so much tings left behind in the dark.. i cant jus leave them behind n i'm not able to bring them out.
i'm stucked.
yap. i'm so foolish.

i dun tink i'll be happy even i'm out in the bright. bcos something is missing.

i need some courage.

went to ah ma's funeral during work time..hmmm..jus feel so moody la..haix..sian..
CY jus ask mi y i always said life sux..well..of cos i'm not the worst one in the world..
stil, if u know my reason, u will understand..i have to smile when i dun feel happy n i have to control my tears when i'm sad.. my world is so dark..when can i see the light?
is all bcos of my stupidness..ok. i admit.
wanted to tel CY when she asked mi to share. but i didnt have the courage.
ok. i hate everyting tat is goin on now.
read Elen's blog. i know she is sad n hurt..wat can i do? i cant even help myself up. F***


Wednesday, March 25, 2009


tink alot toda..tinkin of wat had happen half yr ago..hmmm..ok. eat n eat toda while workin..
i shouldnt had let shawn know abt it..? ..haix..dun feel good..anyway, i got to buck up la..life is so sux le..shouldnt let tis trouble mi anymore..

*i'll look forward n leave the past behind*

Jia You



Tuesday, March 24, 2009

she is dead

grandma had lefted us in the morning ard 6am. i didnt expected it to be so fast..
i dun feel good.. was so moody for the whole of toda.. tis few days will go down aft work. dun feel like workin tml..but i know i have to. ok tat's my life. wat a unhappy life i have.

*tml will be better*

lie n truth

LIE : you tink tat by workin at it, the other person will change.
TRUTH : you're only one part of the relationship. if the other person doesn't change, it wont change.

*i'm the lie*

Sunday, March 22, 2009


went to see ah ma toda.. she is not getting better..everyone said tat she wont make it to apr..
she cant eat, talk and open her eyes. she is in pain. she is leaving soon..
although i'm not close with her but stil i felt so hurt when i saw her on the bed. it seem tat i had not talk to her for years.. and ya, should be 3 or 4 yrs tat i had not talk to her.. now tat i'm talkin to her but does she know tat?

*life is jus about death*


another day of work. went to bishan park with eli. we were caught in the rain..so cold!! and now, i'm havin fever and headache..haix..so tired la..lucky nv go club..haha..
went to eat yami ice cream. brought treat for aiai..spent only $10..haha..
end up she dun like one of the treat..stupid..
is time for med.


Friday, March 20, 2009

shoulder pain

second day of work..slack alot..but stil feel tried, tink is bcos of my shoulder pain ba..have been carrying the "flyer" ard with mi while i shop..woohoo..brought a covered shoe with eli from cotton on..tis two days spend too much le..have to control myself..haha..anyway, no cash liao..haax..
miss aiai so much everyda la.. haix..dun like to leave her alone at home.. miss her so much during work time..n miss someone else who i dun wish to tink abt..hmmm...

oh shit..forget to do my NE project during the free time..tml must do le! sian...
is time to watch "housewife's holiday".

Thursday, March 19, 2009

photo of aiai


a new job a new start :)

first day of work toda..haha..damn slack la..chi ying n mi was so "hardworkin"..rite? haha.
went shoppin at J8..brought a cheap discounted book abt dogs! cost only $5! so happy sio..
tml goin to find more..hehe..oh, oso brought a t shirt and short..my fav brand :)
chat alot with chi ying in the library..cos we r too hardworkin..
i tried my best not to tink abt sad thing tat happened days ago..i'm not goin to let it bother mi again le..
so happy toda..got new stuffs! :)
i'll enjoy readin the book later..haha

*miss him*

i'm back to posting..

jus finished transfering of all older post into draft..hmm..all sound so sad la..jus keep aside..haha...
tis few days bad tings kept on happened..first i realised tat things wasnt tat good ya..n i found out more than wat i expected..haix..again, tears accompany mi tat nite..i need a good ans to my qns..i might jus give up anytime if i cant get a ans i wan..hmm..but wat ans do i wan? silly mi.
the next day, known tat Elen was hurted by her love one n was crying..haix..rushed down to cp at such late hrs..mum scolded, i didnt bother to reply n off i go..
end up i was tat crying with her..haha..jus bcos of all this guys la..idiot..
is being faithful so difficult for guys? huh?! BASTARD!
anyway, i'm fine..jus dun like it la..
workin later at 11.30am..suppose to be 10.30am de lo..haha..can slp more.
haix..gona to stand n talk for long hrs..n my mood is so down..
went to learn kintting. hope can spend more time on it so tat i wont tink so much..cos kintting need alot concentration..keke.
i got such a lousy result. 3 c+, 1 b, 1 b+, n only 1 a.. haix..ve disappointed with myself..i did impoved but didnt reach my expectation..sian.
had been moody for tis few days..hope after i wake up, tings will be better :)