Tuesday, March 31, 2009


everyone is busy with own life..
tink it wil take some time for the four gals to meet up again.
i hope the meet up wont be only on the 20 apr 09..haha..

jus now went to meet up Elen n xiao sheng downstair.. haha.. i'm a kampoo gal ok. :)
i dun wan go club fishing..haha..
oh ya..the last time i met xian sheng was half a yr ago wor...woohoo...so fast huh? haha..
ok. lets meet every half a yr for 6 more times! n i wont be kampoo gal anymore..wahaha..
next meet up wil be on sept..hehe.. faster faster..
n i told him, the 7th time we meet will be at my weddin dinner hotal. keke.. :)

*i wish i wish i wish*

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