Monday, March 30, 2009

bad day

wake up at 12.30pm toda. reached sch at 2pm..i was on time. i wasnt late for the project meeting. end up i forgotten tat i have no cash for lunch! so i rushed to atm.. stupid atm with no cash in it! ok. nvm. rushed to library and was late for 10 mins. nvm. wanted to ask one of them lend mi some cash. after project, i totally forgot abt it. nvm. called mei mei to help mi buy food den. waited for her til 6pm. end up my lunch had turn into my dinner. nvm. suddenly, xuan tel mi she n fren not goin to zouk on apr 9 which i had waited for so long for a gathering. but nvm, cos chew mei oso cannot make it. so forget it. nvm. at tat time my mood was so bad tat i took my dog for a walk downstair. before we could step out the block, stupid rain came. WTF.
so now i'm here blogging. damn it.

read CY's blog. anyway, the post she posted reali do a great help for mi toda. i wasnt a gal like tis last time n i know y i'm like tis now..i shouldnt be like tis huh?
i'm a gal who stand tall in the face of challenges, lay low when the storm hits..always tell myself,i know i can!! unless of cos i know i can...whenever i go,i`ll always look life straight in the eyes..the point is, TAKE CHARGE! be the master of my own destiny..always utilize the power of positive tinkin..its much better to smile through life`s trivial things..

i had forgotten all tis aft things had happened. but thank to her, i promise i wont lead a life like tis anymore.

Her post :
Everyone of us have our own problems. Be it family problems, relationship problems, studies or problems related to our work. Nonetheless, always have this Strong belief in mind: You must believe in yourself, in order for things to work out right.No one in this world is born a genius. Everything requires hard work.Never look down on yourself when you have troubles. When troubles seem to bother you, you should be thinking of how to solve your problems soon enough so as to ease the pain at a faster rate.For one day that you think that you are useless, your life shortens by a day. Believe me or not, normally that's how things work. The more you think you cannot do it, the more you do not even want to try to do it.You never know your ability of doing certain things if you do not try them. There is always a first time for everything. It's only from failures that you gain something from.In other words, failure is a blessing in disguise. Or rather, you never discover something great if you don't go through any pain or troubles in life. Learn to share your woes too. You will feel a lot better after pouring all your sorrows and troubles out. It is just like vomiting. You will definitely feel much better after it. `Be strong, and let your heart take courage.


1 comment:

Chi Ying 子盈 said...

haha gal, u know i was referring to u? Smart!:D