Thursday, March 26, 2009

i need some courage.

went to ah ma's funeral during work time..hmmm..jus feel so moody la..haix..sian..
CY jus ask mi y i always said life sux..well..of cos i'm not the worst one in the world..
stil, if u know my reason, u will understand..i have to smile when i dun feel happy n i have to control my tears when i'm sad.. my world is so dark..when can i see the light?
is all bcos of my stupidness..ok. i admit.
wanted to tel CY when she asked mi to share. but i didnt have the courage.
ok. i hate everyting tat is goin on now.
read Elen's blog. i know she is sad n hurt..wat can i do? i cant even help myself up. F***


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