Thursday, March 19, 2009

i'm back to posting..

jus finished transfering of all older post into draft..hmm..all sound so sad la..jus keep aside..haha...
tis few days bad tings kept on happened..first i realised tat things wasnt tat good ya..n i found out more than wat i expected..haix..again, tears accompany mi tat nite..i need a good ans to my qns..i might jus give up anytime if i cant get a ans i wan..hmm..but wat ans do i wan? silly mi.
the next day, known tat Elen was hurted by her love one n was crying..haix..rushed down to cp at such late hrs..mum scolded, i didnt bother to reply n off i go..
end up i was tat crying with her..haha..jus bcos of all this guys la..idiot..
is being faithful so difficult for guys? huh?! BASTARD!
anyway, i'm fine..jus dun like it la..
workin later at 11.30am..suppose to be 10.30am de lo..haha..can slp more.
haix..gona to stand n talk for long hrs..n my mood is so down..
went to learn kintting. hope can spend more time on it so tat i wont tink so much..cos kintting need alot concentration..keke.
i got such a lousy result. 3 c+, 1 b, 1 b+, n only 1 a.. disappointed with myself..i did impoved but didnt reach my expectation..sian.
had been moody for tis few days..hope after i wake up, tings will be better :)


Chi Ying 子盈 said...

CP is Compass Point?

Chi Ying 子盈 said...

u r a pig. keep sleeping.

sI tInG said...

lol..yap..compass point..haha..i'm not a pig! haha..