Thursday, December 22, 2011

i have resigned!
well, its been a long time that i wana resign as its reali too stressful le.
but i choose to stay becos i am happy working there.
now, new boss suck to hell and its horrible.
they simply dun kind abt the welfare of the dogs.
how to work like that?
n as a boss, their attuitube is too "disgusting".
maybe they treat me as a dog?
they can be so evil to a human,
how can they be any nice to a dog?
dun bear to leave but i have to.
they are monsters and will kill me soon.

jus hope that they get someone good to handle the place.
hope that they dun anyhow feed the dogs like what they do to their dog.
i am sad yet happy.
sad to leave and happy that i finally leave.

gona complete my M9 by Jan den try out for months and die die get the 15k den leave the company. hahhaaha

den maybe use the money study or do business?

JAN will be my rotting month!! woohoo~

Monday, November 21, 2011

this is so true

before you can grow up,

you must fall in love three times.

once, you must fall in love with your bestfriend,

ruining your relationship forever.

this will teach you who your true friends are,

and the fine line between friendship, and more.

once you must fall in love

with someone who you think is perfect.

you will learn that no one is perfect,

and that you should never be treated

as anything less than you deserve.

and once,

you must fall in love with someone

who is just like you.

this will teach you about who you are,

and who you want to be.

and when your through with all of that,

you will learn

that the people who care about you the most,

are the ones that your hurt.

and the onces that hurt you

are the ones you need the most.

but most of all,

you learn that love is only a concept,

and is not something that can be defined.

it is different to each and every person on this earth.


go for the guy you are totally comfortable with.

not the one you have to act like

a slutty bitch in front of to get his attention.

go for the one that is perfectly happy with you,

the real you.

you shouldn't have to try to be someone your not,

for any guy.


don't go for that guy,
that sucks up to you,
and drowns you with compliments.
go for that guy who pisses the fuck out of you.
the one who you can fight with,
argue with, and cry over.
but still love him with all you have.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

its been a mth plus since i last blog.
OCT and NOV was a bad bad mth uh?
down with fever for 2 times
and guess what?
i cried almost every week.
first it was on the 2nd oct when "she" ran away from club and met an accident,
sad to know that she's paralysis.
its was so much for me to handle and to face the owner.
its bloody hell horrible =(

and den ginger was throw back to me becos the owner had enough fun of her.
she was full of ticks and she's sick.
took her to hospital and realize her kidney is spoil.
spend 6k to save her and finally brought her back to club
and i poke her with needle to keep her living.

and guess what the fuck happened the next day?
DALE suddenly passed away without giving me any warning.
it was on the 2nd Nov 8.45am.

so followed by ginger on 7th NOV 1.55am.

its was terrible and horrible.
suck to max!

so wtf is wrong?
i am super sad and sick for the pass few weeks.
i hate this type of life.
its bloody FUCK UP

anyway, its time for me to leave.

but hmmmm
i need to stay to help up with the new boss.

should i? =(

*jus got bitten by a tick. FML

Monday, September 26, 2011

i am so sick today
but its ok
bcos i love my job
i overcome everything toda
one of my regular customers (a son (30 plus) and his mum (60 plus))
actually hoped and asked me not to leave c4p when the management change on dec
altho they are not the first one to ask me to stay, i am very touched by them.
their reaction was so big and the way they ask is so true.
and a lot of them ask me to hang on (funny tho) haha

been tinking alot recently regarding my job at c4p.
i have doubt in myself at times if i can overcome the stress from work
but when it comes to my customers and their dogs,
i cant bear to leave
they will always show their appreciation by getting me some gift
not the gift that makes me happy but their appreciation.
i might not be able to have this type of feeling/happiness again in life after i left c4p??
yes my job is happy and fun but its not only tired but stressful too
i am like looking aft LIFES everyday
how can that be not stressful?
should i ask for a demote?
yes too much to handle
i am not smart nor hardworking
life goes on......................
jus like wat i had said, its ok to FAIL.
i am not givin it up YET

goodnite and wish me LUCK!
huat ar!!!

Friday, September 23, 2011

where r u when i need u?
its ok to fail.
jus dun give up.
i jus fail my module 5 again (second time)
but its ok.
i will try again
ya its kind of like FML
family laughed and said i need to go for the 5th time to pass! (jus like my tp)

Sunday, August 14, 2011

hi guys

i have decided to stop working full time le
am trying out for else thing
i duno if i can make it not
but well, i am still young to give everything a try?

maybe oso a short break for myself ba?
i duno if i should continues my full time job aft the change of management not.
but i am sure that i am gona try out other stuff le

gona be real busy again
like always

wish me luck ya

oh ya, i am not gona let anyone to hold me back from doing anything i wan.
so pls dun try to stop me.
my future is in my hand =)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Single = freedom
Attach = love


Sunday, June 26, 2011

working life for everyone --> BUSY
YES i know.
but i still feel that even how busy anyone is....
a person will still find sometime for the onessss she/he love.
what i mean by love?
NOT JUST the love for gf/bf but frens too
if one dun give a damn to...
den... wat can i said?
yeah.. life goes on.
frens are impt to me but if you dun give a damn..
den nth i can do ya.

ok little update on me..
working is stil fun for me
busy and tired at times still..
but i love it.
will be swimming on every monday and friday( after pool is cleaned and filtered) LOL
i mean... swim with dogs.. haha
its fun!
but ya, my skin getting darker and horrible. haha

i am waiting for aug to come.
til den, i will have to make a big decision in life.
all the best to me ya?

for now....
jus enjoy working ba =D
life is too short!!
i got limited time to do alot of things!!

oh ya, i had promised myself to bring aiai out on every weekends
and yes i did =)

brought aiai to bbq last nite!
@ seletar yishun dam!!
qutie fun wor!
build up our own bbq pit.. haha
all DIY!
believe that aiai enjoyed herself =)
bbq pork chop for her. she love it!
but didnt eat finsh everything!
too full?


gona bring aiai to bishan park with ray!

nap time.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

i dun tink u give a damn to this frenship.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


ok back to topic, haha
jus wana ask u guys to take good care k
dun get too stress up with work =)
stay happy and healthy!

Monday, May 16, 2011

My life has always felt like an unanswered question.
Am waiting for something to happen.
Been telling ppl tat once busy apr is over i 'll be free
but now, seems like i am more busy
i am confused and hoping something good happen after all the bad news
i can and will make it
frens out there, give me some more time to settle down with this
i am seriously busy and tired
pls bear with me
i know it might piss u off when i only reply "sorry"
i am tired.
bear with me for this period of time

I wan to make things out.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

life been so so so busy!
becos its too fun and happening!
love what i am doin everyday =)
tinking of 1 yr back when i was doin my attachment,
its was damn freaking SUCK!!!
i tok i will end my life in the LAB!
now that i ended up in a lovely place full of fun and smile
seriously love it
the morning greeting from all the beloved furkids
would brighten up my day!
of cos, ther's still sometime i got stressed up =(
and i will always overcome it!!
weekends should be time for me to rest
but its unfair for aiai rite?
been bringing aiai out during the weekends
and i seriously didnt have much time to slack( slp more)
i know i am fallin sick soon if i dun give myself a break
but but but

Mr Stupid, i know i have neglected u!
sorry la
i know u will understand =)
love u!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

i duno wat's wrong
did i do anything wrong?
seem likes i am losing one best fren
jus a feeling goin through me.
feel SUCK.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Part of growing up

ok gona update abt my busy life =)

first of all, i am busy with work for sure!
most of the time i am physical tired?
after all, i love it.
FOR NOW my life is kind of "settle down".
tho i stil have alot to learn from my work but i am happy with wat i am doing.

my life is 80% perfect.
and yes i love my life.
it might be a lie.
but we should all be positive rite?
i might be "trying" to be happy?
but i know i am happy with life
its jus tat.... at times... i got this weird feeling of upset
and i know the reason.
you know i am trying hard to put it aside
so tat i can go on n on with a big smile.

if u can feel me, i am always not happy but i am trying.
lying to myself tat i am happy
think of all the good and blessing i have
instead of all the bad stuff.

gal, we all have a sad story to hide.
but i wan u to know
no matter wat,
we are always here for u.
You've made us worried for u.

Saturday, April 16, 2011


papa n mama been stockin up recently jus for my birthday celebration.
i reali appreciate it tho i might look "heck care".
as i am reali tired to get settle down with my job at Club4paws (the driving part is killing me)
papa reach home from work at 11 pm plus and i know he's tired
but he stil go NTUC buy packet drink, food.. blah blah... jus for my celebration.
i been telling them tat its jus a small party to gather my frens only...
but they dun seem to understand?
i know they love me.
and yes i know =D

i know they spend a few hundred on this
i promise i will give them back more den this

ok, now..
jus a small update of who is coming?
primary mates: Shawn, Elen, Donavan and Wilson
sec mates: Xuan, Chew mei, Elicia, Gerald and Jess.
poly mates: Vic, Cy, Sharon, Jac and Mjw
frens: Kelvin, Javier, Micheal
cousin: x4 plus aunites and uncles.
animals: RAY